DE2000H | DE6000H | DE4000H | DE6400H | DE6600H | |
Form Factor (Controller Enclosure) |
2U, 24 drives 2U, 12 drives |
4U, 60 drives 2U, 24 drives |
2U, 24 drives 2U, 12 drives 4U, 60 drives |
2U, 24 drives (NVMe) |
2U, 24 drives (NVMe) |
Maximum Raw Capacity |
Supports up to 1.47PB |
Supports up to 8.64PB |
Supports up to 3.456PB |
Supports up to 4.68PB |
Supports up to 7.92PB |
Maximum Drives |
Supports up to 48 HDDs / 96 SSDs |
Supports up to 480 HDDs / 120 SSDs |
Supports up to 192 HDDs / 120 SSDs |
Supports up to a maximum of 264 drives (24 NVMe in Controller Enclosure + 240 NL-SAS HDDs) |
Supports up to a maximum of 444 drives (24 NVMe in Controller Enclosure + 420 NL-SAS HDDs) |
Maximum Expansion |
2U/12, 2U/24: up to 3 expansions |
2U/12, 2U/24: up to 7 expansions 4U/60: up to 3 expansions |
2U/12, 2U/24: up to 7 expansions 4U/60: up to 3 expansions |
2U/12, 2U/24, 4U/60: up to 4 expansions |
2U/12, 2U/24, 4U/60: up to 7 expansions |
IOPS | 100,000 IOPS | 1,000,000 IOPS | 300,000 IOPS | 670,000 IOPS | 2,000,000 IOPS |
Sustained Throughput | Up to 3GBps | Up to 21GBps | Up to 9.2GBps | Up to 20GBps | Up to 44GBps |
System Memory | 16GB | 32GB/128GB | 16GB/64GB | 16GB per controller | 32GB or 128GB per controller |
Optional I/O Ports (per system) | 4x 12Gb SAS 8x 12Gb SAS 8x 10Gb/25Gb iSCSI 8x 16Gb/32Gb FC |
8x 16Gb/32Gb FC 8x 10Gb/25Gb iSCSI 8x 12Gb SAS |
8x 16Gb/32Gb FC 8x 10Gb/25Gb iSCSI 8x 12Gb SAS |
4x 100Gb NVMe/IB, NVMe/RoCe, SRP/IB and iSER/IB 8x 32Gb FC (supports FC SCSI and NVMe/FC) 8x 25Gb iSCSI |
8x 100Gb NVMe/IB, NVMe/RoCe, SRP/IB and iSER/IB 16x 32Gb FC (supports FC SCSI and NVMe/FC) 16x 25Gb iSCSI |
System Maximums |
Hosts: 256 Volumes: 512 Snapshot copies: 512 Mirrors: 32 |
Hosts/partitions: 512 Volumes: 2,048 Snapshot copies: 2,048 Mirrors: 128 |
Hosts: 256 Volumes: 512 Snapshot copies: 512 Mirrors: 32 |
Max hosts: 512 Max partitions: 256 Volumes: 1,024 Max DDP volume size: 2PiB Max RAID volume size: 30 drives Snapshot copies: 1,024 |
Max hosts: 1024 Max partitions: 512 Volumes: 2,048 Max DDP volume size: 2PiB Max RAID volume size: 30 drives Snapshot copies: 2,048 |
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